Saturday, 28 January 2023

How would you describe Dajjal (Antichrist)?

 The reality of Dajjal

The Prophet (PBUH) predicted the emergence of a Messiah and Mahdi for the reformation of the Ummah in the end times and described the emergence of Dajjal as one of the signs of his emergence. Strange stories about Dajjal are popular among the people and they describe him as a person of strange nature with extraordinary powers and powers.

Signs of Dajjal

(1). Al-Bukhari's Book of the Prophets, Chapter Wazir fi Al-Kitab Maryam, states that "the Dajjal will be seen with the right eye."

"His left eye will be very bright as if it were a pearl" (Kanz al-Umal Vol. 14, Chapter 14 of the Exodus of the Dajjal, Hadith 38784, Maktabat al-Tarath Halab).

This means that his left eye i.e. the eye of the world will be very sharp and he will keep a keen eye on worldly matters, but he will be blind with his right eye i.e. deaf from religion.

(2). Between his two eyes. F. It will be written which both the educated and the uneducated will be able to read" (Sahih al-Bukhari. Kitab Al-Fatan, chapter of Zikr al-Dajjal).

That is, his disbelief will be obvious.

3. Then the Holy Prophet saw the Dajjal, in terms of appearance, a stout young man, broad-chested, with a bright white forehead. (Author of Ibn Abi Shaybah, Volume 15 of Kitab al-Fitn Ma Zikr fi Fitna al-Dajjal)

These are the characteristics of the western nations, as a representative of which you have been shown a person.

(4). In the Muslim Book of Al-Fatn, Chapter Fi Baqiyyah, the Story of Dajjal, it is said that "70,000 Jews of Isfahan will be with Dajjal." Today, Jews are helping the Christian nations.

5. He said Dajjal will go with a mountain of bread and a river of water. And will spread rapidly in the world. And He will spread mischief and destruction everywhere, and He will kill whomever He wills, and He will revive whomever He wills, and rain will fall at His command, and the earth will produce crops and bring out its treasures. (Muslim Kitab al-Fattan, Chapter Zikr al-Dajjal)

According to the apparent meaning of this hadith, Dajjal has to be considered as God or a being with divine powers, which is against the basic belief of Islam, Tawheed. Therefore, it is not without choice to take the meaning of this hadith that Dajjal, with his characteristics and functions, is on the works of God. He will put his hand and try to make it rain, to stop rain, to produce abundant water and to dry it, he will gain control over all the physical systems. Economic and financial power and dominance are mentioned. On the other hand, there is a reference to his inventions of rides, trains, airplanes, ships, in which all the goods of food, etc., are provided during the journey.

(6). With him there will be heaven and fire, and what he calls heaven will indeed be fire. (Al-Bukhari Kitab al-Anbiyyah chapter Qul Allah wa Qad Arsalna Nuha)

Its apparent meaning is also impossible to accept and is against monotheism, which is why Sharh al-Bukhari Allama Ibn Hajar has interpreted it as follows:

Dajjal will be able to reward and honor and punish whoever obeys him. He will make hell, but such people will be the inheritors of Paradise. (Fath al-Bari Sharh al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Fattan, Chapter Dhikr al-Dajjal)

These attributes are also present in the Christian nations today.

(7). Each of Dajjal's two ears will be thirty (30) cubits long. (Kanz al-Amal. Kitab al-Qiyaama min Qast al-Afqal, Chapter Al-Dajjal, Hadith 39709)

That is, Dajjal will make such inventions that will make the task of messaging easier. Like telephone, fax, e-mail etc. And these inventions belong to the western nations.

(8). The promised Messiah will kill the Dajjal near Bab Lad. (Muslim Kitab al-Fattan, Chapter Zikr al-Dajjal)

Ladke means people who argue and quarrel.

He said, "Wa tunzhir bhi qawwum lud (Maryam: 98) means that the Qur'an has come so that you may warn the disputing people through it." The meaning of the hadith is that the promised Messiah will break the false beliefs of the Dajjal with scientific and rational arguments and will win over them, so the founder of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat presented such clear arguments against Christianity that its foundations were shaken.

(9). The Dajjal will dissolve like salt after seeing the promised Messiah and Allah will destroy the Dajjal through the Messiah. (Muslim Kitab al-Fattan chapter on the conquest of Constantinople and the exit of Dajjal and the descent of Jesus Ibn Maryam)

The Dajjal will come from the east and it will be a time of discord and division and the Dajjal's rule will last for forty days (that is, he will have complete control). They will raise their heads from bowing, Allah will kill Dajjal and Muslims will be victorious. (Collection of Al-Zawaid and Source of Al-Fawid Volume 7, page 349. Al-Qudsi School, Cairo, 1353 AH)

These hadiths show that the Promised Messiah and his party will gain victory over Dajjal as a result of worship and prayers.

(10). Dajjaal will circumambulate the Kaaba. (Al-Bukhari Kitab al-Anbiyyah Chapter Wazikr fi Kitab Maryam)

In the interpretation of this hadith, Allama Tu Rabishti writes that this hadith is one of the visions and revelations of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the circumambulation of Jesus 174 around the Kaaba means that he circumambulates the religion in order to reform and establish it. will circumambulate and the Dajjal will circle around the religion to create corruption and perversion in the religion. (Marqat Sharh Mishkaat Vol. 9, Page 411, Kitab al-Fatan, Chapter Signs of Bin Yadi al-Sa’at)

Maulvi Abdul Haq Sahib Muhaddith Dehlavi in the same Sharh Mishqat has also taken the Dajjal's circumambulation of the House of Kaaba to mean that the Dajjal will face the desolation and destruction of the House of Kaaba. (Mazahir al-Haq, Sharh Mishkwat, Vol. 4, Kitab al-Fitn, Chapter Allamah Bin Yadi al-Sa’at and Zikr al-Dajjal)

This symbol is also present in the Western Christian nations and their priests because they do not miss any opportunity to object to Islam and harm the Muslim Ummah.

Signs of Khar Dajjal

Dajjal will ride on a donkey that will be bright with a distance of seventy yards between its two ears. (Mishkwat al-Masabih, Kitab al-Adab, chapter on signs and mention of Dajjal)

The distance between one foot of Dajjal's donkey and the other will be equal to one day and one night and he will travel all over the earth. He will go. He will walk in the sea and the water of the sea will be up to his ankles. When he travels, he will proclaim with a loud voice, Come to me, my friends. Come to me, my love. (Kanz al-Umal, Kitab al-Qiyamah, Min Qast al-Affal, Chapter of Dajjal. Hadith 39709)

These rides will also have holes i.e. doors and saddles i.e. nishts. (Bahar al-Anwar vol. 52 p. 192 by Imam Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi Dar Ahya al-Trath al-Arabi Lebanon)

In these hadiths, the amazing inventions of the Dajjal nations have been mentioned that they will invent such high-speed rides that will have lights and seats to sit on. And they will also fly in the air, i.e. in airplanes, and they will also walk in the sea, i.e., the distance between the two ears of a ship and a donkey means that these nations will make such inventions that will complete the work of communication in a very short time. can be provided like telephone, intercom etc. and these facilities of messaging will also be present in rides invented by Dajjal and this is actually happening.

Therefore, some scholars have taken Dajjal's donkey to mean a train. (Hadiyah Mahdavia page 89, 90 printed in Kanpur 1393 AH)

Therefore, the signs of Dajjal that Prophet (PBUH) had described have been fulfilled word for word today, and if Dajjal has appeared, then the appearance of the promised Messiah is also necessary. The fact is that the promised Messiah has also appeared and according to the saying of the Holy Prophet, the only way to avoid the ravages of Dajjal is to recognize this promised one.

تم جانتے ہو!

 اللہ نے ایسا دل بنایا ہے میرا کہ کسی کو روتے ہوۓ دیکھ لوں تو خود بھی رونے لگ جاٶں،اپنی دعاٶں میں پوری دنیا کو شامل کر لینا، ساٸرن بجاتی ساتھ سے گزرتی ایمبولینس میں پڑے انجان انسان کا درد محسوس کر کے اداس ہو جانا، دور بہت دور آسمان میں جہاز دیکھ کر اس میں موجود لوگوں کے لیے دعا مانگنا کہ اللہ پاک انہیں حفاظت سے اپنے اپنے پیاروں تک لے جانا……

تم جانتے بھی ہو!
جب ایسے دلوں کو چوٹ ملتی ہے تو کیا ہوتا ہے؟
دل خالی ہو جاتے ہیں ہر رنگ سے۔اور ایسے دلوں کو سنبھلنے میں وقت لگتا ہے۔

ایک نصیحت

 ‏ہر لمحے کو محسوس کرنا سیکھیں۔۔!!

تا کہ آپ کو پتہ چلے کتنے لمحوں کو آپ نے بغیر کسی مصیبتـــ کے گزار لیا
اس پریکٹس سے شکر گزاری بڑھے گی اور زندگی میں سکون آئے گا 💖💕

Friday, 27 January 2023

The best way to be happy is to have low expectations of others

 Expecting too much and allowing yourself to be ruled by your hopes and assumptions is a surefire way to feel unhappy. These expectations can affect your health and well-being. Therefore, setting low expectations of yourself and others is an essential practice for living a peaceful life.

Expectations from others lead to disappointment,
it is within your power to avoid this disappointment.

Pain in life comes when our reality doesn't match our expectations. Most of us women have unlimited expectations. Most of us women expect to achieve certain milestones in life by a certain age. Most women expect to get married, start a family, climb the career ladder, or reach the top in a certain way within a certain time frame. Women expect everything from others to be respectful and trustworthy. They expect relatives and loved ones to always be sympathetic, benevolent and caring. There are many expectations that we all have and when life does not go according to our expectations, we feel hurt and pain and get disappointed and we blame our circumstances, ourselves and others for our disappointment. Lowering your expectations of yourself and others can bring you a lifetime of happiness and peace of mind. It is a concrete fact that unrealistic expectations are poison to our relationships, careers, happiness and life. Having high expectations of others or ourselves is the reason many women are unhappy, because we think that others will treat us well and meet our expectations, and when they do not meet our expectations, we are unhappy. They happen, because as humans we always expect results and we get upset when those expectations are not met. If women want to be happy in life, they should live without expectations. Here are some tips to help you learn to lower your expectations:

Good is rewarded with good
  If you help others without expecting anything in return, you will feel a lot of peace and satisfaction. And you will not be disappointed nor will there be disagreement with others. When you help others or are of use to others, be thankful that Allah has enabled you to help others. Take pleasure in it and do not expect any reward from others in return that others will reward us for our goodness. The hope is to be placed only in the person of Allah Ta'ala, that He, the Supreme God, can only fulfill our expectations.

You cannot control the results
  You can only act, the results are out of your control. Focus your efforts on making yourself happy and reducing frustration. Enjoy the process and keep expectations to a minimum, then whatever you get is your "bonus". When you don't have high expectations and get great results from your efforts and get compliments from all sides, you feel immense happiness.

Your expectations are your assumptions
  When you have high expectations of someone or something, you should know that you are simply assuming things, taking them for granted and trusting them to live up to your expectations. Whether you think people will behave the way you want them to or your personal expectations that your performance will reach a certain level is no guarantee of what you want. Will assume or expect, will happen what is written to happen. You can't change it. When you keep this in mind, your expectations will automatically lower.

Be realistic
  Expecting great things from others or yourself raises your hopes, but robs you of joy. The greater the gap between your expectations and reality, the more likely you are to be disappointed, so it is wise to be aware of the situation and other people's mental state and behavior in order to anticipate How will things unfold? Also evaluate your preparation and hard work towards achieving a goal, this will definitely help you align your expectations with reality and avoid shocks, surprises and disappointments. Apart from this you will be able to lead a peaceful life.

Nausheen Ansari

Monday, 16 January 2023

How did the concept of democracy develop in the UK?

The concept of democracy in the UK has developed over a long period of time, with roots dating back to ancient times. In the early days of the British Isles, the concept of democracy was largely confined to the idea of rule by the people in small, tribes or communities. Over time, the concept of democracy evolved to include the idea of representation, with leaders chosen to represent the people in larger and more complex societies.

In the Middle Ages, the concept of democracy in the UK was closely tied to the idea of a "commonwealth," in which all members of society had a say in the governance of their communities. This idea was reflected in the development of representative institutions such as parliament, which emerged in the 13th century.

During the 17th century, the concept of democracy in the UK was further developed by political thinkers such as John Locke, who advocated for limited government and the protection of individual rights. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the Bill of Rights of 1689 further solidified the concept of democracy by limiting the power of the monarchy and establishing the principle of rule by law.

In the 19th century, the concept of democracy in the UK expanded to include the idea of universal suffrage, or the right to vote for all adult citizens. This was achieved gradually, first for property-owning men, then for all men, and eventually for women as well.

Today, the UK is considered a parliamentary democracy, with a constitutional monarchy and a separation of powers among the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. The concept of democracy continues to evolve in the UK, with ongoing debates about issues such as voting reform and the role of the European Union in the country's governance.


برطانیہ میں جمہوریت کا تصور کیسے پیدا ہوا؟

برطانیہ میں جمہوریت کا تصور ایک طویل عرصے میں پروان چڑھا ہے، جس کی جڑیں قدیم زمانے سے ملتی ہیں۔ برطانوی جزائر کے ابتدائی دنوں میں، جمہوریت کا تصور بڑی حد تک چھوٹے، قبیلوں یا برادریوں میں لوگوں کی حکمرانی کے خیال تک محدود تھا۔ وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ، جمہوریت کے تصور میں نمائندگی کے خیال کو شامل کرنے کے لیے تیار کیا گیا، جس میں بڑے اور پیچیدہ معاشروں میں لوگوں کی نمائندگی کے لیے رہنماؤں کا انتخاب کیا گیا۔

قرون وسطیٰ میں، برطانیہ میں جمہوریت کا تصور ایک "دولت مشترکہ" کے خیال سے قریب سے جڑا ہوا تھا، جس میں معاشرے کے تمام اراکین کو اپنی برادریوں کی حکمرانی میں اپنا موقف حاصل تھا۔ یہ خیال 13ویں صدی میں سامنے آنے والے پارلیمنٹ جیسے نمائندہ اداروں کی ترقی میں جھلکتا تھا۔

17ویں صدی کے دوران، برطانیہ میں جمہوریت کے تصور کو جان لاک جیسے سیاسی مفکرین نے مزید ترقی دی، جنہوں نے محدود حکومت اور انفرادی حقوق کے تحفظ کی وکالت کی۔ 1688 کے شاندار انقلاب اور 1689 کے حقوق کے بل نے بادشاہت کی طاقت کو محدود کرکے اور قانون کی حکمرانی کے اصول کو قائم کرکے جمہوریت کے تصور کو مزید مستحکم کیا۔

19ویں صدی میں، برطانیہ میں جمہوریت کے تصور کو وسیع کیا گیا جس میں عالمی رائے دہی، یا تمام بالغ شہریوں کے لیے ووٹ کا حق شامل تھا۔ یہ بتدریج حاصل ہوا، پہلے جائیداد کے مالک مردوں کے لیے، پھر تمام مردوں کے لیے، اور آخر کار عورتوں کے لیے بھی۔

آج، برطانیہ کو پارلیمانی جمہوریت سمجھا جاتا ہے، جس میں آئینی بادشاہت ہے اور حکومت کی ایگزیکٹو، قانون سازی اور عدالتی شاخوں کے درمیان اختیارات کی علیحدگی ہے۔ ووٹنگ میں اصلاحات اور ملکی نظم و نسق میں یورپی یونین کے کردار جیسے مسائل کے بارے میں جاری بحثوں کے ساتھ، برطانیہ میں جمہوریت کا تصور اب بھی ارتقا پذیر ہے۔

Nausheen Ansari

Who are Sahabas?

 Hazrat Khatib al-Baghdadi and Ibn-i-Jamaa have narrated the definition of Sahabi from Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (RA) in these words:

کُلُّ مَنْ صَحِبَهُ سَنَةً أَوْ شَهْرًا أَوْ یَوْمًا أَوْ سَاعَةً أَوْ رَآهُ، فَهُوَ مِنْ أَصْحَابِهِ، لَهُ مِنَ الصُّحْبَةُ عَلَی قَدْرِ مَا صَحِبَهُ.

Anyone who has accompanied the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for a year or a month or a day or an hour or has seen him (only in a state of faith) is a companion. . He has the honor of companionship as much as he took companionship.

  • Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Al-Kufayah fi ’ilm al-Rawaiya, 1:51, Madinah al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia: Al-Muktaba al-Ilamiyyah.
  • Ibn Jama'ah, al-Manhil al-Rawi, 1: 111, Damascus Syria: Dar al-Fikr

Imam Bukhari, may God have mercy on him, describes the definition of Sahabi as follows:

وَمَنْ صَحِبَ النَّبِيَّ صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم أَوْ رَآهُ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِینَ فَهُوَ مِنْ أَصْحَابِهِ.

Whoever among the Muslims has taken the companionship of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) or has only seen him, that person is a companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

  • Al-Bukhari, Al-Sahih, Kitab Al-Manaqib, Chapter Virtues of the Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, 3: 1335, Dar Ibn Kathir al-Imamah, Beirut.
Nausheen Ansari

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Dowry is a social evil whose eradication is the need of the hour

In our society, dowry is a curse, a social evil and a scourge, negating the existence of women. Looking at the social requirements, it seems as if marriage and dowry are an integral part. Whereas the Holy Prophet ﷺ said that the criterion for marriage is religion. Nowadays, we hear such things in places that the marriage of the daughter of so-and-so is arranged on the condition that we need these things as dowry. will bring, due to which it becomes very difficult for a father to send his daughter away. Dowry is strictly prohibited in Islam and in Islam, the financial responsibility is imposed on the husband. "Dowry" is a purely Hindu ritual which aims to give the daughter so much at the time of departure that she cannot ask for her share in the inheritance, but it has no reality in Islam. According to Islamic rules, the simpler the marriage, the more blessed it will be. On the contrary, the more it is displayed, the more unblessed it will be. How many marriages have taken place in such a way that the bride returns to her father's house with the stain of divorce only a few days after the marriage, or the light of her life is extinguished due to low dowry.

Now a new trend has emerged in the society in the form of business to get as much dowry as possible. People have no idea how difficult it is for a father who has young daughters to live in today's times. Even if he gets a good relationship, the sons' fortunes are touching the sky. There are some people who do not consider their daughter less than a princess and consider other's daughters as slaves. Cut off his nose. If seen, many divorces are also due to dowry fights. At present the situation is that no one accepts the relationship of a poor man's daughter due to non-payment of dowry. Even if a capitalist accepts responsibility for the marriage of a poor man's daughter, the news spreads throughout the region that so-and-so's daughter is getting married and they did not have money for dowry. Such marriages are presented as an exhibition and make a spectacle of the poverty of the poor.

Why do people transact dowry? There are number of reasons for this. Giving dowry is to maintain one's honor and dignity in the society, to advertise one's property, to display one's wealth, to gain fame and glory. Sometimes, dowry is given even in sight of each other. Some people also give dowry for support, gift and kindness. Even if they have to take a loan for it. The ritual of dowry contains many evils. For example, loss of property, destruction of the house, deprivation of women's right to inheritance, multiple divorces and death of a girl child, etc. And why shouldn't there be corruption when the wealth of dowry is not given willingly. There is no blessing in such wealth, due to which the above-mentioned evils often come to the fore.

The matter of dowry has actually been corrupted by the girl's parents. For the sake of false exposure and glory, the girl's parents show their status by delivering the dowry to the boy's house ahead of time. Then seeing the same, other people do the same. Parents just think that so-and-so has given their daughter this something in dowry, then we will give more than that. Since the social evil like dowry has been accepted by every class, if the daughter-in-law fails to meet the expectations of her in-laws, then her daughter has to bear the consequences in the form of mental and physical violence. The scourge of dowry has spread so much in our society that a boy sets conditions with his in-laws before marriage that I have to buy a car, motorcycle, fridge, TV etc. I don't know why these men who sell in the name of dowry, while taking dowry, forget that tomorrow their daughters will also be married, tomorrow they will also be in the same situation. That's why my brothers! Take some honorable steps and speak against dowry, because it is not a noble way to collect wealth by demanding dowry. Your greatness and dignity lies in the fact that you are the support of a dignified life for someone who is suffering, poor and distressed, and by bringing him into your marriage, you remove his pain, suffering and pain, not that he Let him cure your neediness and poverty with his dowry.

Among the Muslims, those who are influential, religious and nationalistic will have to ultimately stand up against this curse of dowry and especially the youth will have to sacrifice in this way because tomorrow they too will be the father of a daughter. . There are many groups of Muslims in the society who have enough influence, they should conduct a regular campaign for the abolition of dowry. A change should be made in the thinking and mood of the youth, concepts and thoughts, matters and habits should be molded in Islamic and religious color, only then the curse like dowry and the evils arising from it can be stopped and these things should be applied. For this, the existence of such organizations in cities, villages, villages, villages is necessary, which are active in the society as well as consisting of effective, sincere and compassionate people. If these organizations are established and fight against the evils with interest and activity, many other reform and welfare works can be done by them.

Just as our sermons and sermons describe beliefs, faiths, innovations and polytheism with intensity, we do not explain about dowry with this intensity. Just as the parties on religious differences protest against each other in processions and meetings, they impose disbelief, polytheism and other fatwas on each other through thunderous fiery speeches, the essence of fiery rhetoric is never against the curses of dowry. Only Just think! In our society, people spend thousands and millions of rupees on dowry, if the same rupee money is invested in the education of girls, then a better society can be formed and the real quality of the daughters of the Muslim nation will come out. So come on! Pledge to do your part to end this practice as much as possible and make people aware of its reality.

Nausheen Ansari


Wednesday, 4 January 2023

How can women maintain their mental health?

Housewives, i.e. women who do not do any job, can take care of their mental health by staying at home. On the contrary, working women are busy in some activity or they even go out. Their mental health is good. But women at home can also improve their mental health. Even if you stay at home, there are many ways you can improve your mental health along with your physical health.

How women can improve their mental health. You should also consider a few points;

Stay positive: When you have negative thoughts or emotions in your mind, your mental health can be affected and you can become mentally weaker. Because negative thoughts make us mentally weak. Keep your thoughts and thoughts positive. Positive thinking also means not feeling sad or angry.

For example, don't think about things that happened in the past. Instead, think about moving forward. When you have positive emotions, try to maintain them. Stay away from any kind of discussion. You can improve your mental health by adopting these things.

Practicing Gratitude: Incorporating gratitude into our lives can be beneficial to your overall health. We should be thankful for good things. Being grateful if we enjoy a meal or meet or support a loved one. You may have stressful situations, but you can also practice gratitude and improve your health by thinking about the good times.

Planning: It is beneficial when you plan your daily activities. Scheduling time for anything can be good for your mental health. Plan your tasks when you start your day. Schedule your work hours. Compulsory walking every day. Have fun and socialize as well. Also set aside time for meditation.

Exercise: Exercise can be very beneficial for women at home. It's great for keeping you fit. Also, being active can reduce your mental stress. We also gain energy through exercise. Apart from this, they also get better sleep. Find ways to keep yourself busy throughout the day. There are a variety of ways you can exercise at home to improve your mental health.

Plan for entertainment: You may feel great when you are in touch with your loved ones or your friends. And with its help, your health can also be good. When you feel lonely at home alone, you can talk to an old friend to relieve that loneliness.

get in touch:   With its help, your health can also be good. When you feel lonely at home alone, you can talk to an old friend to relieve that loneliness. You can stay in touch at home in various ways like mobile phone, social media, mail or video call. 

Other ways

Improve sleep.

Consume more water.

Use nuts.

Remember the good times before going to sleep.

If you have trouble sleeping, make an appointment with your doctor.

Nausheen Ansari


گھر میں رہنے والی خواتین اپنی ذہنی صحت کا خیال کیسے رکھ سکتی ہیں

 گھر میں موجود خواتین یعنی وہ خواتین جو کوئی جاب نہیں کرتیں وہ گھر میں رہ کر اپنی  ذہنی صحت کا خیال رکھ سکتی ہیں۔اس کے برعکس جو ورکنگ وویمن ہیں وہ کسی نہ کسی سرگرمی میں مصروف رہتی ہیں یا وہ باہر بھی نکلتی ہیں جس سے ان کی ذہنی صحت اچھی رہتی ہے۔ لیکن گھر میں موجود خواتین بھی اپنی ذہنی صحت کو اچھا بنا سکتی ہیں۔ اگر آپ گھر میں بھی رہتی ہیں تو بہت سے طریقے اپنا کر اپنی  جسمانی صحت کے ساتھ اپنے دماغ کی صحت کو بھی اچھابنا سکتی ہیں۔ 

خواتین کیسے اپنی ذہنی صحت کو بہتر بنا سکتی ہیں۔ آپ بھی چند نکات پر غور کریں؛

ذہنی صحت کو بہتر بنانے کے طریقے

مثبت رہیں: جب آپ منفی سوچ یا جذبات اپنے ذہن میں رکھتے ہیں تو آپ کی دماغی صحت پر اثر ہوسکتا ہے اور آپ دماغی طور ہر کمزور ہوسکتے ہیں۔ کیونکہ منفی سوچیں ہمیں ذہنی طور پر کمزور بناتی ہیں۔ آپ اپنی سوچ اور خیالات کو مثبت رکھیں۔ مثبت سوچ کا مطلب یہ بھی ہے کہ آپ اداسی یا غصہ محسوس نہ کریں۔

مثال کے طور پر آپ ماضی میں ہونے والی چیزوں کے بارے میں نہ سوچیں۔ بلکہ آگے بڑھنے کے بارے میں سوچیں۔ جب آپ کے پاس مثبت جذبات ہوں تو ان کو برقرار رکھنے کی کوشش کریں۔ کسی بھی قسم کی بحث سے دور رہیں ۔ آپ ان باتوں کو اپنا کر اپنی ذہنی صحت کو اچھا کرنے میں کامیاب ہو سکتے ہیں۔

شکر گزاری کی مشق: اگر ہم اپنی زندگی میں شکر گزاری کو شامل کرتے ہیں تو یہ آپ کی مجموعی صحت کے لئے فائدہ مند ہو سکتی ہے۔ ہمیں اچھی چیزوں کے لئے شکر گزار ہونا چاہیے ۔ اگر ہم کھانے سے لطف اندوز ہوتے ہیں یا اپنے کسی پیارے سے ملتے ہیں یا تعاون کرتے ہیں تو اس پر شکر گزار ہونا۔ ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ کے پاس تناؤ والے حالات بھی موجود ہوں لیکن آپ اچھے لمحات کو سوچ کر بھی شکر گزاری کی مشق اپنا سکتے ہیں اور اپنی صحت کو اچھا بنا سکتے ہیں۔

منصوبہ بندی کرنا: آپ جب اپنے روز مرہ کے کاموں کے  بارے میں منصوبہ بندی کرتے ہیں تو یہ آپ کے لئے فائدہ مند ہے کسی بھی چیز کے لئے وقت مقرر کرنا آپ کی ذہنی صحت کے لئے اچھا ثابت ہو  سکتا ہے۔ جب آپ اپنے دن کا آغاز کرتے ہیں تو اپنے کاموں کی منصوبہ بندی کریں۔ اپنے کاموں کے اوقات مقرر کریں۔ روز چہل قدمی لازمی کریں۔ تفریح کریں اس کے علاوہ سماجی میل جول بھی رکھیں۔ ا سکے علاوہ غوروفکر کے لئے بھی وقت مقرر کریں۔

ورزش کریں: گھر میں موجود خواتین کے لئے ورزش بہت فائدہ مند ثابت ہو سکتی ہے۔ آپ کو چست رکھنےمیں یہ بہترین ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ آپ کا متحرک رہنا آپ کے دماغی تناؤ کو کم کر سکتا ہے۔ ہم ورزش کی مدد سے توانائی بھی حاصل کرتے ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ بہترین نیند بھی حاصل کرتے ہیں۔ دن بھر خود کر مصروف رکھنے کے لئے کچھ طریقے تلازش کریں۔ گھر میں رہتے ہوئے آپ اپنی ذہنی صحت کو اچھا بنانے کے لئے ورزش کے مختلیف طریقے اپنا سکتے ہیں۔

تفریح کا پلان بنائیں

جب آپ اپنے  پیاروں یا اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ رابطے میں رہتے ہیں تو آپ بہت اچھا محسوس کر سکتے ہیں۔ اور اس کی مدد سے آپ کی صحت بھی اچھی رہ سکتی ہے۔ جب آپ گھر میں اکیلے رہتے ہیں تو آپ کو تنہائی کا احساس ہوتا ہے آپ اس تنہائی کو دور کرنے کے لئے کسی پرانے دوست سے بات کر سکتی ہیں۔

رابطے میں رہیں

 اس کی مدد سے آپ کی صحت بھی اچھی رہ سکتی ہے۔ جب آپ گھر میں اکیلے رہتے ہیں تو آپ کو تنہائی کا احساس ہوتا ہے آپ اس تنہائی کو دور کرنے کے لئے کسی پرانے دوست سے بات کر سکتی ہیں۔ آپ گھر میں رہ کر مختلف طریقوں سے رابطے میں رہ سکتے ہیں جیسے موبائل فون، سوشل میڈیا، ڈاک یا وڈیو کال کی مدد سے آپ رابطے میں رہ سکتے ہیں۔ 


نیند کو بہتر بنائیں۔

پانی کا زیادہ استعمال کریں۔

 گری دار میووں کا استعمال کریں۔

سونے سے قبل اچھے لمحات کو یاد کریں۔

اگر آپ کو نیند لانے میں مسائل ہیں تو اچھے سے ڈاکٹر کی اپائنمنٹ لیں۔

نوشین انصاری 


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